She's really sweet most of the time, but she can be pretty defiant, too. Below she's holding a rock from the bar/playground/stage area in her mouth looking at me knowing she's not suppose to do that. She holds it until I finally get up, and then spits it out at the last second. So gross. She is also not at risk of being bullied...or at least putting up with it. In fact, we have a bit of a hitting problem. It usually appears with teething or sleepiness, but also when ever she feels it's necessary. For instance, a three or four year old girl shoved past Emory on the playground the other day. Emory looked at the girl, then me as if to say, "HOW rude? Who does she think she is?" When the girl pushed past her a second time Emory turned before I could stop her and shoved the girl from behind with both hands and all her strength. I grabbed her and moved away before it got ugly- not sure whether to scold her or give her a high five.
Dancin' away to a blues band at Freddie's kid friendly happy hour.
The Zilker Zepher...the little train in Zilker Park in Austin. Emory was not scared of the tunnel or the bridges- if anything I just had to worry about keeping her inside the car. When it was over she said, "Again? Again??"
At the zoo in Denver banging the bongo (before we moved).
hmmm...wonder where she gets that defiant attitude from??? :)