Monday, May 31, 2010


Emory tagged along for my Girls' weekend in Breckenridge. She did really well. On Saturday we did a hike and I wore her in the Ergo. She looked around for some of it, but slept for most of the way. Pictured right are Amanda (with Conrad who is 3 days older than Emory), Kellie, Melissa, Lauren, and me.

Kasey and Lauren during prayer and analyze every topic that comes up time.

Conrad and Emory's first introduction. He wasn't so interested in her, but she laughed at him and grabbed at him here and there...don't tell Brent.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Newborn photos

These are of Emory at 4 weeks. You can see them on Gayle's blog, but these are my favorites so I wanted to post them here, too.

Her eyes are a deep ocean blue color right now. They will stay blue, but they seem to be changing a little.

How to Make your Parents Look Stupid

This is a video we took this morning (she is 11 weeks old). She smiles all the time in the mornings, but of course not when we're filming. To her credit, I also chose to film her when she was trying to get something important out. So that wasn't fair.

So what you get to see is less of her smiling and more of how Brent and I will do anything- baby talk, funny noises, narrate her thoughts, say the word "poop" 80 times- anything to get her to smile. And she smiled once.

Celebration of Rooshma

Emory and I went to Texas following the death of my grandmother Ruth, "Rooshma". The funeral service was touching and afterward we had a gathering of friends and family at the Murray's home in Paige, Texas. It was HOT! And Aunt Andrea and Aunt Leesa decided Emory needed to be stripped down from the little gown Rooshma sent Emory before she was born. It was so great to have Emory meet my family, even under the circumstances. The aunts were pros and Emory was putty in their arms.
This is a picture from Easter of 2007 in Midland. Rooshma gave me her swanky leather jacket that year. She was quite the storyteller. She had a memory for details....EVERY detail....and those stories and visits with her will be missed.

Meet the Stratmanns

Emory made her first of many trips to Trudy's with Cousin Catherine for a Mexican Martini. We almost took her to our usual spot, but the smoke and LOUD music made us realize that we'd be those people with a " a bar..." So we took her into the restaurant, but it was still WAAAYYY too much for Emory and she decided we needed to take it home. Trips to Trudy's will never be the same. Ashley, Catherine, Emory and I also paid a visit to the lovely Stratmann family. Margrit fought the girls for holding time and Kai Stratmann practiced his holding as well. He was a pro.

Catching up...

Emory is getting so big. Here are pictures from a Emory's first trip to Texas. Aunt Ashley Waggener was a HUGE help as Brent couldn't make the trip. Aunt Ashley tried to steal Emory at least once that I know of, but Emory didn't get far.
This is a picture of one of Emory's very first smiles (awake). She was 7 weeks here, and Pat "Big Momma" Waggener was holding her. Pat came to visit for several days and helped by being a wonderful God-grandmother and cooking up a storm for Brent and me. My camera went missing in the airport :( so all of my Big Momma & Emory pictures are gone.
I thought I should post the close up of this one so that you can see she's making efforts to be a Longhorn.