Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Going to the chapel

We are in the middle of visitor season, which I love, being an E on the extrovert scale. One of our recent visitors was Caitlin, a 22-year-old adventurer, who was traveling the south by planes, trains, and automobiles. She visited the coolest spots: New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Wilmington, Dallas (well, one not so "cool"), and Austin. Her trip made me hunger for the old days when I did many a random road trip- eating pickled pigs feet in Virginia, rolling down grassy Tennessee hills off of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and trying to understand rural North Carolinian when I locked my keys in the car.

But for now, I'm getting a whole new adventure in Toddler Land. Caitlin is a photographer, amongst other talents, and she took some great pictures of Emory. The top three pictured are hers. Emory had a cold, was snotty, drooly, and not-so-happy, but it was a glimpse of her new sassy personality.

Grandmama and Papa Coley are here, and Emory finally got to go to the sandbox- something Mommy has been avoiding, well, since childhood. I'm not so into dirt.

Catherine may use my veil for her wedding so we had it out. Emory makes a pretty cute baby bride. She wears those beaded necklaces all the time. She's into all things that are choking hazards.

Go to the above link for more of Caitlin's pictures...

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness...she is the most adorable little bride!!
