Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finally some posts...

Hey there,
I'm not a very good blogger, apparently. No, actually I've just been trying to figure out how to add many pictures to one post (it will only post 2 pics even if I load more). If you have advice on this let me know. For now, I'll just add several posts to get more pictures loaded.

So, we'll start with the C-section. It went well. Dr. McGould said, "Babies don't get more breech than that," as she pulled the little tike out in pike position. Emory responded by immediately peeing and pooping all over her. Good girl. She was initially a purple color because babies in Colorado don't adjust to altitude in the womb and react right away.

Brent cut the cord, brought her to me, and then followed her into the nursery for her vitals and bath. She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and about 19 inches long. She wouldn't let them measure her too well because she kept trying to get her legs back into pike position. After the surgery was finished, I was able to see and feed her in recovery and then we all went to our room. We delivered at Sky Ridge which is really nice, has mountain views, and feels more like the Hyatt than a hospital. Overall, we had a great experience there.

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