Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall has begun

Last weekend Brent, Emory, and I "Collected Loot for the Cure". We planned on running the 5K, but Brent's knee was injured so we walked around the pavilion getting the swag instead. We like participating either way. :)

My neighbor gave Emory these sunglasses and I'm amazed that she seems to like wearing them. She prefers eating them.

Somehow we seem to have lost two cameras in 6 months, so we don't have pictures of Brent's parents' visit. We do have a camera phone picture of the swing they fixed up for Emory.

The picture with Brent is from a day trip to Breckenridge last weekend. We went and saw the last of the Aspen tree colors and enjoyed the mountains. Aunt Leesa was right, I don't know who has a cuter smile here.

And the blanket picture is from September 1st. I woke up and fall was here. We went for a walk with a friend, and it was so cold that I had to bundle Emory with all the blankets I could find. She seemed to love it, and I think she looks like one of those Anne Geddes babies here.


  1. She is growing and her smile is contagious! I love the blanket hole for her face!

  2. your phone takes great pics! She looked so cute in all of those blankets!

  3. you have to submit the photo of em all wrapped up to some baby contest!!! adorable
