Saturday, April 24, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Emory is growing so fast. She's already 9 lbs which is 3 more than she was when we left the hospital. She eats, sleeps (sometimes), poops, and likes to be held. A swing my friend Lauren loaned us is our only refuge for time to do things like eat or do the dishes. Here is a cute moment we filmed today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting Bigger

Emory is growing so fast. She's 8 lbs. 10 ozs. today. It helps that she has a insatiable appetite which is wearing her mommy out. This weekend we took professional pictures with our friend Gayle (who was so amazing with Emory). Go to the Miss G blog link to the right under "Friends' Blogs" to see a sneak peak of the shots. Emory is a pretty baby, but Miss G made her look like a supermodel. In the picture below I think she was saying, "Really, can't we just eat???? I'm losing patience here, Lady."
Dad was finally able to make the trip out after going through a crazy motorcycle accident two days after Emory was born. He was in the hill country in Texas when a dear ran out in front of him. Dad rarely goes without a helmet, but didn't have one on for the short trip. He had major injuries to his face, hand, and lung. But he used one of his 9 lives and survived. He is still recovering, but was able to fly out and meet his granddaughter.
Dad bonded with her like he does with most people- though teasing. I wish I had gotten a picture of this- he holds her, makes her think that he's dropping her backwards, and she throws her hands up in the air and makes a perfect "O" with her mouth. He called in the "Go Team!" cheerleader pose. She survived him, though, and I think she liked it a little.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Easter Bunny

A trip to church will never be the same. Actually, it wasn't too bad. She was hungry and squirmed here and there, but overall Emory did great.

She's putting up with my flare for the dramatics. She left the bunny ears on for at least one picture, and the hat, and the bonnet. The bonnet was just for the picture, actually. My grandmother gave us a beautiful dress for her first church trip.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On Our Own

With our help gone, we're braving a new world. Emory and I did our first hangout with the "Highland Mommies Group". Of course we thought we were going for margaritas not knowing there was a several mile long walk beforehand. We weren't dressed right, I didn't know how to work my stroller yet, probably wasn't healed enough from surgery to walk that far, but we survived.

We're also trying to work some of the "spoiling" out of her so that she can sleep without being that we can sleep. But there's only so much crying new parents can handle. We've found that the best way to combat the problem is to run errands. She likes Home Depot. She tricked us with a restaurant, though. She was a quiet angel at the first one, but was not a happy camper at the second. We'll be eating in until we get our confidence up.

Daddy's Girl Already

Don't worry. I'm not kidding myself. She needs me right now, but she's got "Daddy's Girl" written all over her. We're already planning golf outings, Rockies games, and playing in the mud.

Papa & Grandmama Coley visit

Brent's parents came the day the Petrus left, and may have cuddled our baby to a completely spoiled state. Grandmama does have a cure for baby hiccoughs, however, which is bouncing on the bed. I highly recommend trying it.

We went home from the hospital four days after she was born. Brent decorated the trees in "It's A Girl!" streamers signs and pink disco balls. Pretty awesome.

We spent the first few days just trying to figure her out (which we still are and will be for many years to come, I hear). She sleeps with her hands right next to her ears. She also puts up with all the costume changes that Mommy is putting her through.

We survived the first bath with Brenda's help and instruction- although I can't say that Emory enjoyed it.

Finally some posts...

Hey there,
I'm not a very good blogger, apparently. No, actually I've just been trying to figure out how to add many pictures to one post (it will only post 2 pics even if I load more). If you have advice on this let me know. For now, I'll just add several posts to get more pictures loaded.

So, we'll start with the C-section. It went well. Dr. McGould said, "Babies don't get more breech than that," as she pulled the little tike out in pike position. Emory responded by immediately peeing and pooping all over her. Good girl. She was initially a purple color because babies in Colorado don't adjust to altitude in the womb and react right away.

Brent cut the cord, brought her to me, and then followed her into the nursery for her vitals and bath. She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and about 19 inches long. She wouldn't let them measure her too well because she kept trying to get her legs back into pike position. After the surgery was finished, I was able to see and feed her in recovery and then we all went to our room. We delivered at Sky Ridge which is really nice, has mountain views, and feels more like the Hyatt than a hospital. Overall, we had a great experience there.