Monday, April 4, 2011

Romeo, O' Romeo

Also in Irwin County, Georgia, if you're willing....people will give you their horse. Just like that. Papa and Grandmama have recently had two horses donated to them, with offers for more. Apparently, when "Horse People" hear that you are interested they just give them away. With supplies, even!

Romeo was looking for a good home, and Papa took him in. Hunter (my nephew picture below) will also be helping. Romeo is almost more like a dog. He loves to snuggle you. He's so sweet. Very stubborn, though. Papa's had to spend much time to get him to do a little trot here and there. And if he doesn't feel like going, he just won't budge. You know he must be sweet if I'm willing to post a picture of me looking this bad to show you how cute he is.

Honey and Money (a loaner for the weekend) are in front of the corral that Papa has built for them.

Honey was the second horse they acquired. A friend of the Coleys from church just hasn't been able to spend the time needed to ride her. I got to ride her every day. She was a little skittish and jumped at the most random things- bees, a plastic sack in the bushes, a metal water meter....but I jumped when I heard Hunter say, "Brent, do you see that gator trail?" We were riding in the farm paths across different properties, and apparently there are alligators in the area. A gator trail is a path in the mud leading the pond where a gator has slid. Yikes.

Who knew Papa was such a cowboy? I learned that he has rodeoed and trained many horses over the years. I'm so excited for his renewed hobby.

Papa on Honey. Coley (my niece) suggested he rename her Juliet. I suggested Lady MacBeth because she's sassy.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like me and Romeo would get along very well :)
